My Final Diary Entry, At Least For Now!

It is with some regret that on the 2nd anniversary of my diary blog, I have to explain, that after these past 24 months of sharing the ups and downs of parenthood, my musings on this forum have (for now) come to an end. I will of course leave the archive online and intact if you ever chose to relive the ups and the downs of 2 years of parenting five small children?

A message from a fellow blogger tonight that ‘I am bored’, has lead me to the conclusion that it is now time to step away!

No pictures, no finale, no fanfare, just goodbye for now my friends…

On other social media such as Facebook, I do not post often. But if you found any part of my blog something positive to muse over (btw predictive text just flashed up ‘pissup’ lol) just search ‘Andi Webb London’ and I will surely follow you back!

The other option is Instagram of course!

I am certainly considering ‘Diary of a a gay Dad, the teenage years’ though 4+ years away at this point! Another time altogether, maybe it will be a great time for us both to catchup once again.

Thank you for listening these last 2 years, thank you for being there and ultimately thank you for caring. I am very happy to know you.

And for those that I am not connected to on other social media platforms, good bye and take care.

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A Gay Dad reflecting on life in the Shires of England with my not so famous five and two rapscallion Dalmatian hounds

35 thoughts on “My Final Diary Entry, At Least For Now!”

  1. I am so sorry I missed this post. It has been very busy at work lately and I’m really just catching up with reading on WordPress. I have enjoyed reading your words and looking at your family photos and videos. Best wishes always to you and your family!

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Since the time we first started following each other on WordPress, I’ve always thought it interesting how you have five children and I have five chickens! I’ve enjoyed getting to know each of your children through your writing, and I hope you might feel a little the same about my chickens. Like children, they really do have their own separate and distinct personalities!

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      2. Those personalities that you write about are very tangible… chick, chick, cluck, chick, cluck… have a lovely day. It’s late afternoon here, John on school run. Better get the children’s dinner sorted! Listening to Mozart/All Angels! Peace before the avalanche…

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Oh Andi, how I have loved and enjoyed your posts, your humour, your children, the fun you have together, your cooking and the love you have for your family. I am sorry to see you go, in fact more than that, for selfish reasons I’m gutted, truly gutted to see you go. I have enjoyed our little chats over the last few months, but I understand that you have made a decision and I’m truly sorry to see your blog posts end my friend! Take care and look after yourself, John and the little ones, Paul x

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so very much Paul for your kind words. These lady 2 years I have indeed worn my heart on my sleeve…

      And this last several months have enjoyed the company of engagement with people like yourself Paul. Some very lovely and genuine people.

      Our little chats have fully entertained on both ends. I will indeed miss them Paul.

      I came to the conclusion that I owed it to my book to try to spend my time promoting it. I had hoped the blog would have done that! But instead the blog took on its own identity and form. Mind you, the blog did give birth to the second publication Thirteen Moons More! A direct edit from the first 12 months of my diary…

      Thank you so much for following and contributing to the diary Paul… I like your style kind Sir!

      I may just return to my blog if I can push both books into a more commercial place, but for now, I thank you with hand on heart Paul. You are a kind soul (who loves Lego) 🤪

      If you ever wondered about the historical element of my family! Maybe check out Eighteen moons (just Google it). I am happy to refund your purchase price on ebook or paperback via PayPal for an Amazon review…

      Tread well my friend… my kindest regards.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thanks so much for your kind words and your friendship, sometimes we meet people in the virtual world that you immediately make a connection with and can easily share a bottle of wine with and put the world to rights. I am an avid reader and have just put both books on my Christmas list and will happily review them on amazon and thanks for the offer, but no need to worry about a refund, I have the feeling I will enjoy every moment. I do hope at some point the blog returns, will tweet the books as well as I have plenty of book reader friends on Twitter. Keep in touch and take care my friend

        Liked by 1 person

      2. 💙💙💙💙💙 emojis better than just words Paul. I very much appreciate this. Thank you so very much… I will find my way back to Twitter. Probably in the new year. I hope we can reacquaint on a more regular level then! Tweeting was a way to extend my blog. But without pressing the ‘share’ button, I will have to think ‘witty’ and ‘memorable’ before I re-engage’ on there.

        I can guarantee you an extremely amazing read of my two books. They are sure to give flesh to the bones of the diary…

        My very kindest regards… talk soon dear friend x

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much for your words J… It just seemed right to take some time out. I’m putting a lot of time into Instagram once again… I really need to focus on selling my book, at least raising awareness of Eighteen Moons. It’s promotion was the reason I started to blog in the beginning. I’ve sold a couple of copies to readers, but I need a new strategy!!! Thank you again. Stay safe, stay well…


      1. You made a good decision, we don’t have enough time and energy as it is, so we have to put those to good use. I will check out your book!!!! Take some much needed and deserved time off my friend 🙂

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  3. Can’t say I’m not disappointed. It was nice reading another father’s perspective on things. I hope you follow through with the teenage edition. I’ll be looking forward to your Twitter updates.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Bravedaddy. It was a difficult decision to make. I will re-engage with Twitter soon enough. The teenage diaries will no doubt be thwart with drama aplenty! Travel your journey well Bravedaddy…


  4. It’s been very nice to have met you on this blog Andi! I enjoyed your family’s stories and I wish you all the best. Hopeful there’ll be a future blog to catch up. All the best and take good care to you and your family!

    Liked by 1 person

      1. I have no doubt we’ll catch up. I’m not on Instagram but I’ve bookmarked your page as one to check in on from time to time to see how you are all doing. Take good care!

        Liked by 1 person

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