Thank You for Being There

Dear Diary… Haha, I have not started a single diary entry within the last Eighteen Months so informally formal! But rather than talk about my family life today, I thought that I would thank all of the people that I often speak to through my blog.

People, that I would regard as friends at this point. You possibly can guess who you are, but I hope that you don’t mind me mentioning you by name as I really want to send out my sincerest thanks for bringing my diary to life through your interactions.

So, today I thank Margie, JJ, Anna and Ingrid. Tre, Paul and Greg too! I thank Macey and Jaya, all of you people of words. I really dig that! And thank you to Ab, Josef, Grace and Grace, I say that with Grace, also Nadia, John and Nadia, thank you so much. I appreciate your comments and often advice. Thank you to Kristie and Sindy too, always words well appreciated!

I thank you all so much for both your support and you candour. To all others I talk to, I again, thank you as much. Every like on my blog really does mean a lot to me. Friendships through Worldpress were an unexpected surprise and with that, I thank you all for being you. The amazing people that you are…

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A Gay Dad reflecting on life in the Shires of England with my not so famous five and two rapscallion Dalmatian hounds

31 thoughts on “Thank You for Being There”

  1. I enjoy checking in daily to see what you are up to. I get tired just seeing what you are up! Lol. I hope tonight’s premiere was an enjoyable and positive moment for your family!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Morning after now Ab. Thank you so much. Yes, we had a ‘good’ family moment. Mind you, the 3 little ones played up a bit and got a tad rowdy. Daddy and Dadda had to re-watch once they finally went up to bed at 9.30pm

      There was some positive Twitter traffic in the aftermath of the show, which was nice.

      See you tomorrow! Pleasant dreams.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I am glad to hear the event was a happy, if not rowdy, one for your family! 🙂 Let us know if there is a clip international viewers can enjoy. Have a great weekend!!!

        Liked by 1 person

  2. What a lovely post! 🙌 I totally agree it’s quite funny how we form real connections through blogging; much more so than any other social media, as you say. It has a sort of epistolary feel. And relationships build up quickly; it’s really lovely. I’m halfway through your book btw! Bloody hell; what a story! I have no idea how I would have coped with all that.. Anyway, we are taking a week off here next week so I’m hoping to finish it then 👍

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Late in the day! I love that you left message! Anna! I really do appreciate your kind words! Bloggers unite hey! And if you watched tonight! Homeschooling gets us rightly credit! Though chaos has a place within our universe of parenting styles!!! I fo hope you are enjoying the read! It’s weird… I’ve been told is reads like fiction! It’s so ‘dramatic’ and life’s not really like that! But it was… 😞 however, doesn’t the lotus grow from inhospitable ground?

      Liked by 1 person

      1. It does. And yes, I watched your bit late on catchup; it was super and I thought you came across as a really fun family. No wonder they picked you for the show. It does read like fiction, yes. I can’t quite believe the twists and turns. Definitely your children are much loved and wanted.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Good morning Anna. Indeed, the show was fun and wow!!! The homeschoolers pipped us at the post! They were lovely though.

        Yes, the story of my eighteen moons had both ups and downs. I do hope you are enjoying the read. At the time, there was much emotion. I can’t really believe that we got through it all.

        Our children really are much loved…

        Liked by 1 person

  3. This made me smile, Andi.
    I have so loved all our little chats, you are so charming and make me laugh! 🙂
    Thanks , Andi, you are awesome and a nice friend to have! 🙂
    I am off to the garden now to check on the pumpkins. (can’t wait till Fall to make some pumpkin pie.)
    Have a wonderful day!!!!!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Sorry so late dear Margie. All the children stayed up late to see the show! Then daddy and dadda had to watch it on record as they all were a bit too loud whilst watching it live – lol. About to follow them up now as it is late! Wishing you well and hugs to Hank xx

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      1. Oh, gosh, the show was tonight, I can imagine the children loved seeing daddy and dadda on the telly! Best wishes to you and John!
        I guess you are all in bed by now, sweet dreams! xx

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      2. Yes, the show aired last night Margie. The children all stayed up late to watch it. I made popcorn and we all watched together. Sadly, we did not go through to the final in 2 weeks time, the homeschoolers Becky and Ben were voted for the best ‘parenting style’. ‘Structured Chaos’, which was our adopted style, was clearly just too radical. I will no doubt blog about the experience later today 😉 hoping your night is restful.

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      3. Oh, I am sorry to hear you did not make it to the final show, Andi .
        All is good here, another beautiful sunny day but I woke up thinking it was Sat and it’s Friday! LOL

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      4. I do that sometimes! Haha! I’m completely fine with just having been on the show to be honest Margie. I believe that over 1000 families applied! So, top 12 wasn’t so bad. I’m still mulling over what to write today! Hmmmh, now let me see. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      5. Andi, being in the top 12 is awesome, awesome!!! I look forward to your post! Sending happy wishes to all of you for a wonderful rest of your day. 🙂 I guess it’s about dinner time there! I just had my breakfast and am now taking a cuppa tea out to the back yard and maybe write a poem.(my muse has been lacking lately but maybe she has come back, I shall see.)


  4. Aww, you’re awesome! Thank you! I am happy I happened to come across your blog. It really lifts my spirits most days and makes me smile! You’re so welcome!

    Thank you!

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Thank YOU Andi! Your kind messages of support through my blogging journey (and relocation) have been so much appreciated. I wish you every success with all of your endeavours, and I’m looking forward to seeing your TV show 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

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