Dishcloths or Kitchen Roll

Monday saw the return of our nanny Sindy and two of our not so famous five’s return to school. Daddy remains steadfast at the living room table, buried under his relentless pile of work from the office. My few days off from blogging have been relaxing enough, but onwards and upwards as they say. We seem to be finding a new routine. One that has a little more general focus. Lockdown is certainly, slowly lifting!

A friend in India, Mona tells me that lockdown there has been completely lifted, although the daily death count has not as yet reduced. I think that she plans on being extremely cautious for the time to come!

This week is flying by for sure. On an unrelated matter, 54 mega rolls of kitchen paper arrived yesterday, now stacked neatly in the corner of our kitchen. Do not worry, we are not stockpiling. This reality is that this is the usual amount that we order. I never use dishcloths. Who knows what germs could be lurking upon them. That, and what with me washing my hands 50 times a day. I don’t really trust tea towels also after a few hours. Oh dear, I’m sounding a little like ‘Howard Hughes’, aren’t I?

Thor and Aaliyah have adjusted well to their return to school. I know that many parents are not sending their children back and I do not blame them at all. I know that our children’s and indeed all schools here in the UK have put a lot into working out a regime that works with the lesser numbers of children returning. I take my hat off to the children’s head teacher and all of the teachers. It can’t have been easy for them.

As ever, thank you for reading.

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A Gay Dad reflecting on life in the Shires of England with my not so famous five and two rapscallion Dalmatian hounds

21 thoughts on “Dishcloths or Kitchen Roll”

  1. Welcome back! How did your two kids find the return to school? Our school is out now for good and new year starts in fall. Rumblings of it being potentially online still. Gotta say it gives me anxiety thinking about sending the kid to school. Continued best wishes as they and your adjust to this new (old) routine.

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    1. Thor and Aaliyah are loving it! Even with the concept of distancing! They have missed their friends! Their class is small enough! Thor tells ma that 9 out of 14 returned! And indeed the school imagines to be reopened in September fully! I think most families are anxious in ‘both camps’! And yes, it is indeed a new (old) routine! And homeschooling still rules in the home also! Hope you and T have a cool lesson today. Maybe the cats might join in! 😀

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      1. I am very glad to hear and so great for them to be reunited with their friends! 💕 I hope they all enjoy the warmer weather and all that fun play! … T and I are making edible cars with cut up fruit parts and toothpick today. So far so good. 🤣 Take care.

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  2. I am happy to hear that Thor and Aaliyah have adjusted well in going back to school.
    And, where did you go Andi on your day ‘out of the house’ on Monday?
    Hope it was nice for you!
    I always have a good supply of paper towels in the house, just like you! 🙂

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    1. Things are not going back to the ‘old’ normal are they, sadly? But the ‘new’ normal will have to suffice for us all, for now I guess… my venture took me away a short while, I met no one, but had some time alone to reflect. And gratefully I rejoined those that I love soon enough! I really can’t believe I was ‘indoors’ for over 12 weeks, I really can’t!

      Very late here now. I hope the Colorado weather was happier than the gloomy skies over ‘The Shires’ today! Take care Margie 🙂 and Woof Woof to Hank x

      P.s. our kitchen paper takes care of a myriad of situations. From The dogs being sick to the little ones various spills and dedications! We go through so much over time!

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      1. I just saw this Andi as I was heading to bed so a quick reply.
        The weather here has been exceptionally hot and we needed to have the air-conditioning on today as the house was much too hot for me.
        I am sorry the weather was gloomy there!
        Hank is doing well and says woof woof and I send hugs to all.
        Good night, Andi, and good morning to you as you awaken which will probably be soon enough

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Yes indeed we have just awoken here in ‘The Shires’ and another gloomy day in store for us! No Sindy on Thursday mornings, so rallying the brigade at present. Just getting Thor dress is proving problematic! 🙂

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  3. Oh dear.. you haven’t helped me at all with my germ phobia, Andi! I am the person who uses a sheet of loo paper to touch the door handle in public toilets and presses the flush with my shoe. Thought I was safe in the kitchen, but nope! This is big for me. Oh and teachers – yes – agreed; total heroes. Lots of complex situations out there and teaching staff who felt unhappy with this plan, but in the end they always show up and make things work. They should be better paid for what they do.. 🙌

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    1. Haha! We must all take care. I think that living in Mumbai made me a bit cautious to start. And you are right – frontline workers need to be appreciated more so now than ever! Be well, stay safe. 🙌


  4. I went to get some plant pots for my friend out of our garage last week (socially distancing of course, felt as furtive as MI5 agents! 🙂) … and she was shocked at the amount of piles of household stuff. I had to reassure her that this was not stockpiling and is just normality when you have lots of children 🌼

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    1. Oh definitely! The girls really apply themselves and Caleb is happier without the distractions of Aaliyah and Thor. Mind you with his broken right arm (right handed) it’s more an oral lesson, but he’s smiling!

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  5. Glad to hear the kids have gone back well. The teachers and schools are being amazing aren’t they? Our small boy could go back but isn’t, glad we’re all sharing out experiences without snarky judgement (unlike Facebook).

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That is true, many parents are ready to judge! For or against, I’m not sure that it matters. I praise the efforts of all schools, it’s not easy for them to find a new normal! That I support. I appreciate your comment and candour. 🙂


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