Caleb Enjoys His Lū’au

You just might have seen that Caleb is feeling just fine this afternoon in the afternoon sun. He slept well last night, not a peep and hasn’t flinched or grumbled all day, what with the preparations for our long overdue Lū’au.

Sadly the one remaining inflatable palm tree and the crocodile have been broken by, yes you guessed it, Caleb. He doesn’t quite realise that taking a bite out of these things will break them. Maybe there is an irony regarding two broken arms in this last 13 months! Yes the number 13, unlucky for some it would seem!

Seriously though, as you saw on this afternoons Lū’au video, he is feeling fine. Still a little too ballistic for my liking. One has to constantly shout for him to be careful and it just goes in one ear and out the other!

Anyhow, our dinner this evening of home made Hawaiian pizza for the children was enjoyed. Pepperoni and anchovy for me, and just pepperoni for John. A tasty treat and yes, I did make the pizza base!

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A Gay Dad reflecting on life in the Shires of England with my not so famous five and two rapscallion Dalmatian hounds

15 thoughts on “Caleb Enjoys His Lū’au”

  1. I think I should sit them all on the ‘ice giant’ at times! It could be a bit like ‘the thinking chair’ we used to have in the hallway! We don’t do it anymore – maybe why we have a few more meltdowns! 😉

    Liked by 1 person

      1. An ice giant would fix that. It wouldn’t let them go until they understand. Or until they’re frozen, which delivers the message too. 😉

        Liked by 1 person

  2. We love seeing those happy photos, Andi (and John, and kids).
    You make one helluva beautiful family.

    Hey Caleb, calm down a bit with that arm, okay? Or we’ll send over a Norwegian ice giant to sit on you until your arm is fine again!


    Liked by 1 person

      1. HAHAHAHAAA!
        Really, Ice Giants are cute! They are just VERY BIG. And of course VERY COLD. We’re both laughing our face off, reading your response!

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Andi, thank you for sharing all of these pictures of your beautiful children!
    I am so glad to know Caleb is doing so well! 🙂
    The pizza looks so good, pizza is on our menu for dinner tonight, beer and pizza for me. 🙂
    I gather the children are all tucked away for the night and I wish you and John a nice, calm relaxing rest of your evening.
    Thank you for making me smile again. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, all tucked away now. John snoozing on the sofa and the 10 o’clock news about to start on the BBC. Remus yawning and Gracie stretching on the sofa.

      Enjoy that beer and pizza. Sounds great. I love our chats Margie. Thank you!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Always so nice to chat with you, Andi.
        And I can guarantee that I will be snoozing on the sofa here by the time 10 pm rolls around and I might hear someone calling out to me and saying, ‘are you up”and my answer is always the same, “leave me alone, I can watch that movie tomorrow night.” LOL
        I am a light sleeper so I always hear him talking to me.
        And, then I go right back to sleep! 🙂
        Good night, Andi . 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  4. Fantastic pictures of the most beautiful children I know
    And your pizza look soooo good as well
    Hopefully see you soon
    Take care all of you

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much Sindy! Even Caleb’s broken arm didn’t dampen spirits today! Hope you and Jeff are okay! And thank you for the surprise call to the door this morning with the sherbet dabs and sticker magazines! 🤔 speak to you soon…


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